July 17, 2023

How to set up and start cold emailing

The Benefits of SaaS for Small Businesses

Coming into outbound sales at a startup, where volume is really important, I’ve come to realize a few key facts that I would like to share with you. Having a solid workflow for cold emails is vital for the success of most outbound sales teams. The reason why having a sequence is so important is that it allows you to partially customize your message to a high number of contacts (given you correctly import relevant data into your CRM). This takes away the hassle of having to manually craft out cold emails to 50+ per day which can take up hours of your time versus just minutes if you use a sequencer in tandem with a lead generation platform like Sales Navigator or Prospect AI.

Step 1: Getting contacts

In order to set up work flow for cold emails you need to have a solid process of getting contacts. There are a few ways to achieve this, including using a lead generation platform which is mentioned above. You can also manually prospect on platforms like LinkedIn and Google (online search), this would be a free alternative.

Step 2: CRM

One way you can do this (if you’re manually prospecting) is by using a spreadsheet and importing it to your CRM. You have to make sure that you are importing all data into the correct fields.

Step 3: Multiple domains

If you are a very high-volume emailer then it would be a safe bet to have multiple domains. For example, my personal email is tanvir@prospectai.co however I could also create other domains such as tanvir@tryprospectai.co to hedge against any unnecessary email suspensions.

Step 4: Sequencer

Arguably one of the most important tools to send out emails is a sequencer. Out of full transparency, we use the FreshSales email sequencer. Make sure to do your due diligence on email sequence software prior to any purchase. Having software that meets all of your requirements especially if you’re high volume is key.