Helping you find the right tool for you

Who shouldn't use this

Prospect AI isn't built for everyone. Here's who it's for and some alternatives you can use to suit your use case.

Signs we're a good fit for you

You should consider Prospect AI if

You sell to other businesses.
You are a Founder doing sales and need a sales rep but don't have the time or expertise to hire them.
You are a sales leader and need grow pipeline without burning budgets.
You are a sales rep and need hit quota.
You run a boutique consulting firm/agency.
You have at least 5 customers.
Your prospects use LinkedIn (we can do without, but see more success with).
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Signs we aren't the right fit

We're not a fit for everyone. If not, we've put some alternatives below. You might not be a great fit if

You're looking for a free product.
You sell to consumers and not businesses primarily.
You only sell to a small number of companies.
Your leads don't use LinkedIn
You don't have at least 5 customers.
See Alternatives

Other providers that can help you for your situation

We've broken down the situations from above and found providers that can help you for your specific situation.

I need something free/cheap to start doing outbound
My leads are local businesses and may not use LinkedIn
My customers are consumers and not businesses